Starter Leagues are a great way to combine some extra instruction along with being on a team and playing actual games.
Each week, an instructor will spend 15 to 30 minutes working with individuals on different areas of the game. It could be sweeping, delivery, strategy, or other drills. Once that instruction is complete, everyone will have the oppurtunity to play a game; hopefully utilizing some of the skills just learned!
By registering you will be able to attend five sessions on Friday's at 7:15pm. Please note in the comment the first day you plan on attending.
Meeting dates include:
General information: [email protected]
BGCC rentals:
The Bowling Green Curling Club is the only curling club in Northwest Ohio. We curl at the Black Swamp Curling Center and new members are always welcome! Come on out and enjoy the good people and good times that occur while curling. We embrace all levels of curling from beginners to competitive and we hope to see you on the ice soon.